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A step-by-step guide to link GST number with IEC code through the ICEGATE portal and access numerous advantages and schemes for importers and exporters.

How to link GST Number with IEC Code

Every business owner planning to export from India must acquire both the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Import Export Code (IEC), essential licenses. Businesses of all sizes must connect their GST with their IEC on the ICEGATE portal to access various benefits and schemes.

Understanding the Importance

The linking of GST registration with the IEC code is important for businesses involved in import-export activities. It helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, simplifying customs procedures, and leveraging various export-import schemes offered by the government. 

By linking GST with the IEC code, businesses can enhance transparency, simplify documentation, and facilitate smoother transactions in the international trade landscape.

How to Link GST Number with IEC Code

Below is the detailed process to link your Goods and Services Tax (GST) with your Import Export Code (IEC) on the ICEGATE website.

  1. Visit the official website of ICEGATE (, the Indian Customs Electronic Commerce/ Electronic Data Interchange (EC/EDI) Gateway.
  2. Navigate to the ICE GSTIN integration section, specifically designed for linking GST with IEC.
  3. Once on the designated page, enter your GSTIN number accurately into the provided field.
  4. Complete the captcha verification by entering the characters displayed in the captcha code box, ensuring accuracy, and click on the submit button to proceed.
  5. You will be prompted to enter your ICEGATE ID, which serves as your unique identifier on the ICEGATE portal.
  6. After entering your ICEGATE ID, you will receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your registered mobile number linked with your GSTIN.
  7. Enter the OTP received on your mobile device into the appropriate field and click on the submit button to verify and authenticate the linking process.

Following these steps will ensure the successful linking of your GST with your IEC on the ICEGATE website, enabling you to avail yourself of various benefits and schemes efficiently.

Key Points to Remember

These points would be helpful for the exporters to ease the process of linking the GST number to the IEC Code.

  • Accuracy is paramount: Ensure that all the details entered in the GST portal, including the PAN, legal name, and IEC code, are accurate and match the information provided in your IEC certificate. Any discrepancies may delay the linking process.
  • Prompt updates: It is essential to promptly update any changes to your GST registration details to ensure that the information remains current and accurate. Failure to do so may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements and eligibility criteria for export-import schemes.
  • Documentation management: Maintain copies of all relevant documents, correspondence, and transaction records related to the linking of GST with the IEC code. These documents serve as evidence of compliance and may be required for audit purposes in the future.

Stay informed: Stay updated on any changes in regulations, procedures, or guidelines related to the linking of GST with the IEC code. Government authorities may periodically update the process, and it is advised to stay informed to ensure adherence to the latest requirements.

How to Choose Export Promotion Council/Commodity Board for RCMC Registration?

To choose the right council for your RCMC (Registration Cum Membership Certificate), follow these steps:

  • Consult Appendix 2T of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP): This appendix lists councils and their respective product sectors. Identify the council corresponding to your products.
  • Determine Your Main Business Line: Match your main business line with the products covered by the identified council.
  • Handling Multiple Products: If your export-import business involves multiple products or lacks a clear main line, register with FIEO (Federation of Indian Export Organisations) as a multi-product exporter instead of obtaining RCMC from each council separately.

Unlisted Products: If your product isn’t listed in Appendix 2T or covered by any council, you can still obtain RCMC from FIEO.

Benefits of Linking GST with IEC

Linking GST registration and the IEC code offers several advantages for export-import businesses engaged in international trade:

  • Seamless integration: By linking GST with the IEC code, businesses can facilitate data exchange easily between GST and customs systems, streamlining trade processes and reducing administrative burden.
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements: The integration ensures adherence to regulatory requirements related to cross-border trade, including eligibility criteria for export-import schemes and tax obligations.
  • Simplified documentation: Linking GST with the IEC code reduces paperwork and documentation hassles associated with cross-border transactions. Businesses can enjoy eased processes and enhanced operational efficiency.

Enhanced transparency: The linkage promotes transparency in trade transactions by ensuring that accurate and up-to-date information is maintained across systems. This builds trust among stakeholders and facilitates efficient interactions in the international trade landscape.

Practical Insights for Businesses

  • Utilise online resources: Take advantage of online resources provided by government authorities, such as user guides, FAQs, and tutorial videos, to familiarise yourself with the process of linking GST with the IEC code. These resources can help clarify any doubts and provide step-by-step instructions for completing the procedure.
  • Seek professional assistance if needed: If you encounter any challenges or complexities during the linking process, consider seeking assistance from professionals with expertise in GST and international trade regulations. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs and ensure smooth completion of the process.

Leverage technology: Embrace digital tools and platforms that offer automation and integration capabilities to simplify your trade operations. Automated systems can help reduce manual errors, and enhance overall efficiency in managing GST and IEC-related processes.


Linking your GST registration with your IEC code is a vital step for businesses engaged in international trade. By following the step-by-step procedure outlined in this guide and adhering to regulatory requirements, you can ensure smoother operations, improved compliance, and enhanced efficiency in cross-border transactions. 

Stay updated with changes in regulations, leverage technology to streamline processes, and seek professional assistance when needed to navigate the complexities of linking GST with the IEC code effectively.

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