Consulting And Compliance
Data transfer within the servers of the same country is known as domestic transfer, and that between servers of different nations is called CBDT (Cross-Border Data Transfer).
24 Nov
How to Navigate the Complexities of Cross-border Data Regulations and Privacy Laws

Mismanagement of cross-border data compliance or local policies, standards, or laws can cause litigation, client loss, and substantial fines.

16 Nov
The Impact of DGFT under Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is an agreement that aims to simplify the trading between some nations.

It’s confirmed that exporting your goods is entirely profitable. Regarding exporting, you need to opt for one exporting option between direct vs indirect exporting.
8 Nov
Direct vs. Indirect Exporting: Which Option is Perfect for Your Business?

Let us understand this approach better via an indirect export example​.

7 Oct
An Ultimate Guide to Export Incentives for Indian Traders

Export incentives in India are defined as economic assistance provided by the Government to exporters.

EPCG Scheme is an initiative by DGFT which allows duty-free import of capital goods and machinery for export purposes.
23 Apr
Export Promotions Capital Goods Scheme: A detailed guide

EPCG Scheme is an initiative by DGFT which allows duty-free import of capital goods and machinery for export purposes.

Explore the types and benefits of inspection certificates in international trade. Learn how they ensure quality, compliance, and trust in global transactions.
16 Apr
Inspection Certificate: Types, Benefits & More

Explore the types and benefits of inspection certificates in international trade. Learn how they ensure quality, compliance, and trust in global transactions.

RoDTEP benefits to EOUs, SEZs, and AA holders extended until 2024, amplifying India's export competitiveness.
2 Apr
RoDTEP Scheme for EOU, AA Holders, and SEZ Units: Benefits until September 2024

RoDTEP benefits to EOUs, SEZs, and AA holders extended until 2024, amplifying India's export competitiveness.

Know about the significant elements of the import management system by DGFT. From compliance to risk management, uncover efficient strategies.
25 Mar
Important Elements of Import Management System by DGFT

Know about the significant elements of the import management system by DGFT. From compliance to risk management, uncover efficient strategies.

Understand all about international trade disputes to effectively tackle and maintain fair and smooth export-import activities globally.
18 Mar
What are the Major Issues in Settlement of International Trade Disputes

Understand all about international trade disputes to effectively tackle and maintain fair and smooth export-import activities globally.

Paper Import Monitoring System: a game-changer in paper trade regulation, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and support for domestic industries.
11 Mar
Paper Import Monitoring System- All You Need to Know

PIMS: a game-changer in paper trade regulation, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and support for domestic industries. Essential insights await!