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Duty Credit Scrips are valuable incentives for exporters if used efficiently. Here are some insights to help you make the best use of DCS and maximise profits.

All You Need to Know About Duty Credit Scrips

The world of international export-import has its own complexities, one of the areas where exporters face difficulty in coping is effectively navigating policies and government incentives.

Duty Credit Scrips (DCS) are indeed one of the most important assets for exporters if used wisely. Here we will put forth a simplified guide to help you better understand everything about DCS and how to sell them. We will be going through its definition, applications, and nuances within the GST context. 

Let’s explore how to leverage DCS effectively to streamline global transactions and enhance your perception of this valuable tool in the realm of export.

What are Duty Credit Scrips

Duty Credit Scrips, commonly referred to as DCS, are tradeable instruments issued by the government to exporters as a part of various incentive schemes. These scrips carry a certain monetary value and can be utilised for offsetting various duties, such as Basic Customs Duty, Excise Duty, and Service Tax.

Uses of Duty Credit Scrips

Duty Credit Scrips are very versatile in nature, making them a highly valuable asset for exporters. Here are some of the main uses of DCS that all exporters and importers must know:

  • Offsetting Customs Duty: DCS can be utilised to pay for Customs Duty on the import of goods.
  • Settling Excise Duty and Service Tax: DCS can also be used for payment of Excise Duty and Service Tax.
  • Tradeable Commodity: Exporters have the option to sell these scrips, unlocking liquidity or optimizing their financial strategies.

How Duty Credit Scrips Work

Duty Credit Scrips, a government-issued export incentive, aim to stimulate trade and support exporters. Awarded in correlation with export values or for meeting specific targets, these scrips hold an important place in schemes like:

  • Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)
  • Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS)
  • Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG)

Designed to boost economic activity, Duty Credit Scrips help exporters by providing tangible benefits, facilitating smoother international transactions, and fostering growth. Once obtained, exporters can use these Duty Credit Scrips for several purposes, such as paying import duties or taxes. 

They essentially act as tradable permits, providing flexibility for exporters to optimize their operations and navigate the complexities of international trade. The specific workings may vary based on the scheme under which the scrips are issued and the regulations set by the government.

How to Apply for Duty Credit Scrips (Under MEIS, SEIS, EPCG)

Now that you know the basic crux of DCS, let us go through the process through which you may apply for Duty Credit Scrips under different government schemes.

Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)

MEIS focuses on goods export. To apply for DCS under MEIS, exporters need to submit their export documents to the concerned authorities. The scrips are then issued based on a percentage of the FOB (Free on Board) value of their exports.

Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS)

SEIS caters to the services sector. Exporters in this domain can apply for DCS by submitting the necessary documents to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). The scrips are issued as a percentage of the net foreign exchange earned.

Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme

EPCG focuses on promoting the import of capital goods to enhance export competitiveness. Exporters can apply for DCS under EPCG by fulfilling specific conditions related to the import of capital goods.

Documents Required

The application process for Duty Credit Scrips involves submitting a set of essential documents. Here are the commonly required documents that you must get ready before applying:

  • Shipping Bills: Proof of export.
  • Bank Realisation Certificates (BRC): Evidence of foreign exchange earnings.
  • Invoices: Supporting the declared FOB value.
  • IEC Certificate: Importer Exporter Code issued by DGFT.

You can always connect with the expert DGFT consultants who have been in this field for a long period, they will help you go through the process of documentation and clearance in a smooth way.

How Long Are DCS Valid For

Duty Credit Scrips come with a validity period, and it’s crucial for exporters to utilise them within this timeframe to reap the maximum benefits. The validity period varies based on the specific scheme under which the scrips are issued. 

Exporters must be updated and well-informed about the expiry dates to optimise their use of the DCS.

How to Sell Duty Credit Scrips

Selling Duty Credit Scrips can be a strategic move for exporters, providing them with liquidity and financial flexibility. Here’s a step-by-step guide for you:

Assessment of Requirements

Evaluate your financial needs and determine whether selling DCS aligns with your business strategy.

Engaging with Authorized Dealers

Connect with authorized dealers or agencies that facilitate the sale of Duty Credit Scrips. These entities act as intermediaries between sellers and potential buyers.

Document Verification

Ensure all necessary documents related to the Duty Credit Scrips are in order. This includes the original scrips, export documents, and any additional paperwork required by the authorized dealer.

Negotiation and Pricing

Engage in negotiations with potential buyers and agree upon a mutually beneficial price for the scrips. The pricing may be influenced by factors such as demand, the scheme under which the scrips were issued, and prevailing market conditions.

Transfer of Scrips

Facilitate the transfer of Duty Credit Scrips to the buyer through a proper legal and financial process. This may involve the submission of transfer documents and obtaining the necessary approvals.

Payment and Settlement

Once the transfer is complete, receive the agreed-upon payment from the buyer. Settlements can be in the form of a bank transfer or any other agreed-upon method.

Sale of DCS Under GST

The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India has brought about changes in the taxation system, impacting the sale of Duty Credit Scrips. Under GST, the sale of DCS is subject to tax implications, and exporters need to be cognizant of these considerations.

GST on Sale of Duty Credit Scrips

The sale of Duty Credit Scrips is treated as a taxable supply under GST. The applicable rate of GST is determined based on the nature of the transaction.

Input Tax Credit

Buyers of Duty Credit Scrips can avail of Input Tax Credit on the GST paid during the purchase. This provides an additional incentive for buyers.

Impact on Pricing

Exporters engaging in the sale of Duty Credit Scrips need to factor in the GST implications in their pricing strategy. Understanding the tax implications is crucial to ensuring compliance with GST regulations.


To sum up, selling Duty Credit Scrips can be a strategic financial move for exporters, providing them with liquidity and flexibility. Understanding the intricacies of application processes, required documents, and the impact of GST on the sale of these scrips is essential for exporters to navigate the dynamic landscape of international trade successfully. 

As Duty Credit Scrips continue to play a significant role in incentivizing exports, exporters who master the art of leveraging and selling these instruments stand to gain not just in financial terms but also in strengthening their position in the global marketplace.

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