Exporters and applicants must verify that imported goods and materials are utilized in the final products they’re shipping out of the country to adhere to Standard Input-Output Norms (SION). However, suppose the exporter wants to increase the amount of waste claimed or the number of inputs used in the production process.
In that case, the exporter might request a deviation from the requirements for the currently in place SION. Alternatively, the exporter can receive the standards set under para 4.07 of HBP even if the export product is not on the SION List. Any exporting manufacturer or exporting merchant can apply.
Thus, the DGFT may mandate that the exporter establish the norms for the number of inputs required per unit of the exported good. Norms Fixation, also known as the Fixation of Norms under Advance Authorization, is a process at the DGFT, Headquarters in New Delhi.
Standard Input-Output Norms (SION) are provided by the DGFT and detail the minimum number of inputs needed to create a given quantity of exportable output. Industries as diverse as chemicals and their byproducts, electronics, engineering, food, handicrafts, leather, plastics, sportswear, textiles, fish, and other marine goods are all covered by SION.
Periodically, the DGFT will post a notice on their website indicating when the next opportunity to correct and add SION will be. Here, we outline the steps to establish and maintain the Advance Authorizations system’s norms.