Advance license is basically a scheme offered by govt. of India to help exporters import raw material duty-free for the product that is to be exported.
EPCG stands for Export Promotion Capital Goods which means Promotion of exports with the help of Capital Goods.
Let's talk about Pre-Import Conditioned Duty Credit Licenses first. To know more about - DGFT Guru
Licenses or Authorizations in regard to DGFT can be of many types. To know more - DGFT Guru
Actual User Licenses are those licenses in which Imports are done by the Exporter itself and it cannot be sold to any Importer.
All types of norms are available for Exporters under DES. To know more read - DGFT Gurus
Standard Input Output Norms (SION) are set of standards having quantities fixed by DGFT for duty free imports against the exports
Exporters who have excelled in their Exports. DGFT incentivise the exporters with the help of Start Export House Certificate.
Abbreviations and Full Forms of DGFT Services.
DFIA stands for Duty Free Import Authorization which falls under Chapter 4 of Foreign Trade Policy viz., Duty Exemption Scheme (DES).